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Documentos para uso en el estado de Idaho únicamente.
Basado en Boise, Idaho. - Contacto online 24-7
If you have a problem . . . We have a solution !
Court-Ready Documents
DISCLAIMER: We are a Document Preparation Service and we do not offer legal advice. We can and do provide legal information and necessary procedural instructions for many legal processes, to be used in the District Court's of the State of Idaho only.
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Hemos ayudado con éxito a más de treinta mil (25,000) residentes de Idaho durante los últimos 25 años, al preparar y proporcionar formularios y servicios legales listos para la corte. Muchos secretarios judiciales, así como empleados del Departamento de Salud y Bienestar de Idaho , y mediadores locales de derecho de familia remiten a sus clientes a nuestra empresa hermana Self-Help Legal Alternatives todos los días. Hemos tenido tanto éxito que dejamos de hacer publicidad externa en 2010 y hemos continuado prosperando únicamente sobre la base de clientes satisfechos y sus apreciadas referencias a familiares y amigos. A continuación se muestran algunos comentarios de ellos.

Hey Leo,
I just wanted to tell you thanks again for taking care of the paperwork and give you an update. Terry took the papers to Canyon County courthouse and filed them per your instructions on Monday October 26th. The judge did his review and signed off on them the 28th and I received my papers on Friday the 30th. Just letting you know, for future reference, that if all the papers are in order, it only takes about 3 days in Canyon County.
Thank you for the doing a great job on the paperwork!
- Wednesday 11/04/15@ 12:30 p.
Jenny S.
Caldwell, Idaho

My husband and I sure do appreciate your services, and all of the help you gave us.
Mr. & Mrs. C.
Boise, Idaho

I just received my Divorce Decree! And, I had to sit down and make out a card to tell you how much I thank you. In fact, I can't tell you how much I thank you. And, I also recommended you to one of my co-worker's son, and from what she tells me, he has already seen you. But anyways, you are not only a friend, but a real "Angel in Disguise."
Nancy B.
Meridian, Idaho

Your help was invaluable! Everything went smoothly, and now we're all done. Hal and I believe that you don't charge enough for your services. I'll proably see your soon regarding my Will. Thanks again.
Brigid W.
Boise, Idaho

“Leo is extremely knowledgeable and is ethical in his business. I have used his paralegal services on several occasions and have always been impressed with high quality of work. He is very reliable, honest and returns finished products in a timely manner. I highly recommend for Pro Se’ document services.”
Barbara N.
Boise, Idaho

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Envíenos un mensaje rápido, indicando la naturaleza de su asunto legal o preguntas. No podemos brindar asesoramiento legal real, pero podemos brindarle información legal (que no es lo mismo que un asesoramiento legal) y podemos brindarle documentos legales listos para la corte. Tan pronto como recibamos su información de contacto, le enviaremos un Cuestionario, adaptado a su asunto legal específico, para obtener la información necesaria para preparar los documentos para usted.