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Court-Ready Documents
DISCLAIMER: We are a Document Preparation Service and we do not offer legal advice. We can and do provide legal information and necessary procedural instructions for many legal processes, to be used in the District Court's of the State of Idaho only.
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Paquete de divorcio -
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Cuando llegue el momento de pasar al siguiente capítulo de nuestra vida, puede confiar en nuestra experiencia y conocimientos para hacer que el proceso sea lo más sencillo posible. No es necesario pagarle a un abogado miles (o decenas de miles) de dólares, solo para que él o ella empeoren las cosas, avivando sus expectativas o escribiendo el documento de una manera diseñada para provocar innecesariamente a su cónyuge para que impugne su propuesta. condiciones. Si está dispuesto a ser justo y razonable , su divorcio se puede lograr en tan solo 3 a 6 semanas. Si usted y su cónyuge están actualmente en un acuerdo completo, o pueden llegar a un acuerdo, entonces es probable que el divorcio se complete sin tener que asistir a una audiencia en la corte.
Idaho Residency Required
The process begins when either spouse files a petition (request) for separation, which provides the court with information like your name, date of your wedding, when you began living apart, and address. You will also need to meet the state's residency requirement, meaning at least one spouse has lived in Idaho for a minimum of six weeks before filing for separation.
Our Divorce Package
Idaho "No Fault" Divorce
In a divorce, couples must provide the court with a legal reason—or grounds—for the request. Idaho law permits parties to file for a no-fault or fault-based divorce. No-fault is appropriate for couples who wish to keep the process as simple as possible, and you can achieve this by telling the court that your relationship has suffered irreconcilable differences, which means you and your spouse are currently unable to repair your relationship. If you'd like to blame your spouse, you can prove to the court one of the seven available grounds in Idaho.
Waiting Period to Finalize
There is a 21-day waiting period before the court can act on your case. During this time, your spouse has a chance to file his/her own document contesting any of the terms that you proposed, and may file his or her own documents requesting different terms. If you can't agree on any issue, the court will decide for you.
Cuotas y gastos:
Para los usuarios de este sitio web, nuestro programa comienza con la compra de un paquete de divorcio (consulte el botón "Comprar ahora" en el lado derecho de esta página); enviándole un Cuestionario de divorcio , solicitando información estadística individual de cada parte, así como otra información relevante. Luego personalizaremos una Petición de divorcio indicando exactamente lo que le gustaría proponer. Tenga en cuenta que si tiene hijos menores de edad, la corte no le permitirá proponer un monto específico de manutención de niños ni aceptar que no se pague manutención de niños, a menos que dicha cantidad de manutención sea la cantidad de manutención recomendada determinada utilizando las Pautas de manutención de niños de Idaho . Calcularemos y le proporcionaremos copias de los cálculos de manutención de menores correspondientes. También podemos mostrarle qué decisiones o hechos ajustarán la cantidad.
Nuestras tarifas:
Paquete de divorcio - sin hijos - básico. . . . . . . . . . . 200,00 $
Paquete de divorcio - sin hijos - con acuerdo de mediación. . 200,00 $
Paquete de divorcio - con hijos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,00 $
Paquete de divorcio - con hijos y acuerdo de mediación. . . . 275,00 $
Respuesta de divorcio y reconvención. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275,00 $
Tarifas de presentación judicial:
Petición de divorcio (a / o 01/07/2015). . . . . . . . . 207,00 $
Respuesta a la petición de divorcio (a / o 01/07/2015). . $ 136.00
Legal Separation
Is Legal Separation
Possible in Idaho?
Yes. Legal separation (or separate maintenance) is available to couples in Idaho. The process begins when either spouse files a petition (request) for separation, which provides the court with information like your name, date of your wedding, when you began living apart, and address. You will also need to meet the state's residency requirement, meaning at least one spouse has lived in Idaho for a minimum of six weeks before filing for separation.
Why Do Couples Choose Separation?
Relationships are complicated and deeply personal, and that doesn't change when couples consider divorce. Only the individuals involved in the relationship can decide which legal process is right for them. With that said, some couples choose legal separation to maintain health or tax benefits that terminate after a divorce. Others may believe there's a chance for reconciliation, and divorce is too permanent of an option.
Although every couple is different, some of the most common reasons for choosing a legal separation instead of divorce include:
religious, social, or moral objections to divorce
separation allows couples to keep valuable benefits, like social security or military benefits
a trial run for divorce, and
the couple isn't on the same page regarding their relationship, and legal separation is a compromise both spouses will approve.
Is There a Difference Between
Divorce and Separation?
Yes. The divorce process begins when one spouse files a petition (request) to terminate the marriage. During a divorce, the couple will negotiate how to resolve child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division issues. If the couple can't agree, the court will decide using state-specific methods. In the end, the court will approve the couple's agreement, or create its own, and terminate the couple's marriage. Each spouse is free to remarry if they choose.
Legal separation is like divorce in that couples can use the process to decide the same divorce-related issues, but in the end, the parties are still legally married. Separation allows spouses to live as though they are unmarried. For example, you can create or terminate contracts as an individual, or you can sell or buy property in your name. However, if you'd like to remarry, you'll need first to ask the court to convert your separation into a divorce.
Separation is not Permanent
Legal separation in Idaho isn't permanent, which means either party can terminate the agreement and file for divorce at any time, and the court will then merge the separation agreement into the final divorce judgment. On the other hand, if you've worked through your differences and would like to reconcile, you can resume cohabitating and ask the court to vacate (terminate) your separation.
Contáctenos en línea
Envíenos un mensaje rápido, indicando la naturaleza de su asunto legal o preguntas. No podemos brindar asesoramiento legal real, pero podemos brindarle información legal (que no es lo mismo que un asesoramiento legal) y podemos brindarle documentos legales listos para la corte. Tan pronto como recibamos su información de contacto, le enviaremos un Cuestionario, adaptado a su asunto legal específico, para obtener la información necesaria para preparar los documentos para usted.